Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Attempt to Explore #1


So in my last blog post, I talked about how I wanted to do more exploring in Richmond this Summer. Seeing how I am from NoVa, I still have a lot to learn in the Richmond area! To live up to this promise, I decided to walk uptown this week. It can also be classified as "the fan" area. I'm a newbie, I know.

Anyways! It was actually a lot of fun and I got to see many things that I never really payed attention to before. First off, I noticed A TON of galleries. Literally there was a gallery every block on Main street, which is understandable considering Richmond is so artsy and all. I didn't really get a chance to go inside of the galleries, but I definitely got to look through the windows which was pretty cool.

Another store that caught my attention was this Vintage shop (not too sure what the name of the store was). I didn't really know what to expect walking in, but to my surprise, it was a very cool store. They had things like typewriters, stools, house phones with the little twirly phone number thing, and a bunch of other stuff. It was cool getting to see that stuff from the olden days.

I also saw some cool murals while walking. One mural was cool looking although it did take a while for me to figure out what was going on with that bear. I was convinced that a bear was about to bite the girl's head off but my boyfriend said it was a mask that she was wearing. I still think there's a bear about to bite her head off.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Well, this is awkward.

It looks like I took a bit of a hiatus from my blog. Sorry about that... whoever you are. It's been a pretty hectic year at VCU with all those 15 page papers, exams that test you on material you may never use in the future, and you know, the works.

But the good news is: IT'S FINALLY SUMMER! Hooray! This means I actually have free time now which also means I can get back to writing on my blog. This Summer is a little different than any other Summer I've had at VCU. Usually, I go home for the three months but this year, I am staying in Richmond due to my current internship. It's going to be different, for sure and I will definitely miss being home for the Summer but I'm excited to try something different. It's time to put my big girl pants on and accept the fact that I have grown up things to do now.

With that being said, I need stuff to do in Richmond! Luckily, one of the great things about Richmond is that it offers many more options than my hometown (Burke). I can walk to Chipotle for goodness sake! That never happens in Burke. Burke is beautiful - don't get me wrong - but I'm happy I get to be in a place that makes it hard to be bored. One of my goals for the Summer is to explore the ins and outs of Richmond. During the school year, I don't have time to drive downtown and see what Richmond truly has to offer. But now that I have time, I can do that! I want to venture out to more small businesses, hidden restaurants indigenous to Richmond, and the outskirts.

If you're reading this and you know of some great places to visit in Richmond, don't be shy and leave a comment!

Thanks loves. NB

Monday, September 16, 2013

Miss 7-11? Really America?

Imagine that you have just been crowned Miss America. The feeling is pretty great, right? Well not if you're an Indian American - based on our current society. For the first time in pageant history, the new Miss America is neither white, African American, or Latin. This should be something new and exciting to celebrate in our society, but instead it's something that has caused a flood of racism comments.  

On Sunday night, after Nina Davuluri was pronounced Miss America, the social media world went ballistic. The hashtag #missamerica remained the worldwide top trending topic for the whole night following on until the day after. People were tweeting such things relating to Al-Qaeda like "Congratulations Al-Qaeda. Our Miss America is one of you." - @Blayne_MkltRai. Targeting a more cultural aspect, one person tweeted: “Miss America? You mean Miss 7-11.” - @JPLman95.

Most of the racism comments put on social media targeted Nina as if she was a Muslim. Comments relating to Al-Qaeda and 9-11 just goes to show how completely and utterly ignorant people can really be. Nina isn't a Muslim. The fact that Nina's dark skin and hair automatically categorized her as a terrorist worries me for the future of our society. Even if Nina was a Muslim, it is not right to generalize a person to a specific organization based on their religion or race.

Lets not forget the fact that Miss America is a BEAUTY pageant. Contestants go on this show so that they can prove to America they are beautiful inside and out. There is obviously something in Nina that the judges saw as beautiful and that could benefit to our society. People who are making these derogatory comments against her fail to see the beauty in her and just go right to the physical aspect. The insensitive racist reactions toward Nina portrays the inability of Americans to accept the fact that there are other types of beauty out there that are less Vanilla and more culture based.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Fitness 101

 Hello everyone!

So as you can see, I haven't been blogging much lately, mostly because this semester has been kicking my butt! However, I have been finding some time for the gym. I have gotten into this routine of going to the gym almost every day of the week and I thought I would share some of my experiences/tips with anyone who cares.

As some of you may know, I attend VCU, meaning I have access to one of the BEST gyms in the world! Okay, I wouldn't say world, but that gym is just awesome. With over 185 pieces of fitness equipment, two heated indoor pools, a 4 court gymnasium center, indoor running track, 2 racquetball courts, 7 weight circuits, and much more, this is the place to be if you want to get that summer body.

To start out, I'm just gonna give you guys the basics when it comes to working out in general and some of the things I've picked up along the way:

1. CARDIO, CARDIO, and wait did I mention CARDIO?

If you are aiming to lose weight, the best and most effective way to do this is with cardio exercise. This can be anything from the treadmill, elliptical, StairMaster, walking, take your pick! The goal is to get your heart rate going so your body can sweat, therefore causing you to lose calories and burn off all that fat! Of course, that's not all you need in order to lose weight; you also have to watch what you eat! Keep it simple; chicken, vegetables, brown rice, fish, salad, fruits: Just naming some of the few things that are good to eat when you're trying to watch your figure. Eat right and do cardio!


Water is one of the best tools for weight loss. Other than the fact that water has no calories, no carbs, and no sugar, it is actually a great appetite suppressant. Most of the time, when you think you're hungry, you could actually just be really thirsty without even knowing it. Water is also a good replacement for high calorie drinks such as soda, juice, and alcohol. Lack of water (dehydration) can sap your energy and make you feel tired which can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness, and other symptoms we don't need. Drink water before, during, and after your workout and I promise you will thank me later!


A lot of the times when people workout, they tend to get into the same routine. If you do the same workout every single day, your body gets used to that workout and it will not have the same effect anymore. Instead of going on the same machines all the time, change it up and do something different. Maybe add some more time to the elliptical, or go on the treadmill first instead of last. Higher up the level on the StairMaster, do some crunches instead of sit ups. Minor things like just changing the resistance on a machine will do, so make sure your body doesn't get used to the same workout routine!


Squats are a definite must in everyone's workout routine. Whether you're looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or get that booty you've always wanted, squats are the way to go! Squats are great because it's an exercise that triggers many parts of your body all at once. It's a great way to build muscle because most of the weight goes on your legs and back which put on the most muscle in the shortest amount of time. Make sure to keep your back flat, elbows high, chest up and out, and your abs tight.


Last but definitely not least, INTERVAL TRAINING. Some of you may be thinking, whaaa? Interval training is a series of low-to-high intensity exercise workouts interspersed with rest or relief periods. For example, if you were on a treadmill, interval training would be to sprint really fast on whatever speed you're comfortable for 1 minute and then walk for about 1-2 minutes. This is personally my favorite thing to do while working out because it is ridiculously effective if you want to lose weight fast. In my junior year of high school, I lost 30 pounds because of interval training and the only equipment I had was a rusty old treadmill in my basement. If you're looking to lose weight fast, try interval training on any type of cardio machine and just wait for the results.

Happy working out! :) 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Disadvantages of Working in the Car Dealership Industry

If someone asked me to describe what it feels like to work in the car dealership industry in five words or less, I would respond with: tedious, aggravating, tiring, oppressive, and demanding. As you can already tell, these words don't mean a walk in the park on a Sunday morning. Working in a car dealership has been one of the most stressful experiences I've ever had to go through. There are so many aspects to consider when working this job. First off, we have the people. Car dealerships are separated in to two different areas. In one wing, you have the business office people; which is where I work. There you will find the people from accounting, finance, and tag & title clerks. These are the normal people. Their personalities are great, they're easy to get along with, and they give you a good laugh from time to time. In the other wing of the building, you will find the guys who actually sell the cars; the showroom dudes. These are the snobby, conceited, and stuck-up dudes. There may be a few encounters throughout the day where wing one and wing two have to communicate with each other. These encounters don't really last long and usually end with the lack of a "thank you."

The other gruesome aspect of this tiresome industry is the disorganization. I cannot begin to tell you how many files have been misplaced through all the times I've worked here. Apparently these files, or "deals," disappear into thin air and can never be found again. It gets moved from department to department and we never see them again. You wanna hear the worst part? On average, we sell between 600-800 cars a month, which in our world, is a lot. Therefore, the deals just keep piling up and it becomes extremely difficult to keep up with all the mess. In almost all cases, there's always something that's missing.

The environment of this industry solely depends on the people you're with. I lucked out with being put in the Tag & Title department. Even though the work overload gets a little too much sometimes, they can still find the time to crack a joke. I worked in the accounting department for my first month there and it was too stressful for my liking. The people who worked there seemed like the type of people who couldn't wait to go home and drown a bottle of whiskey down. It became easier by day to tell who was guilty of that, if you know what I mean. Anyways, I'm getting off topic now but I would just like to end this by saying: try to avoid working in the car industry as much as possible in the future. I'm a seasonal worker, therefore I only work in the Summer, Winter and maybe Spring. It's a great way to pile up some extra cash while I'm not in school but don't think for one second that I'd work this job for a living in my near future. NB

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hate Is a Strong Word defines hate as:
to feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward; detest.

Ever since the release of Taylor Swift's fourth album, Red hit the shelves, many people started to form strong opinions against her. A couple of recurring ones include 'I hate Taylor Swift because she can't sing, or because she's not country anymore'.

What in your right mind makes you think that's a legitimate reason to hate somebody? Unless you have a personal relationship with that person, hating them is not the word to use. If they have not done anything to offend  you or insult your dignity in any way, then it gives you no right to say you hate them. Saying you dislike something is perfectly fine; it's definitely more reasonable than saying you feel hatred towards the person. Taylor Swift is the type of artist who revolves her life around the fans. Every album, every song, every lyric, has meaning behind it because it's what we want to hear. Swift is unique in that she doesn't follow in the same footsteps as other celebrities; like Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, etc. You get my drift.

Anyways, I'm going off topic here. But the point to remember is that just because someone can't sing or seems a little too immature for you, doesn't mean you should hate them. Hate is a strong word. NB

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Finding Nemo Gets Lost....Again!?

 Do you remember that cute little clownfish back in 2003 who got abducted and separated from his father deep down in the sea? I think his name was...Nemo.

We all fell in love with Nemo and rooted for his father when they finally found each other again. Everyone lived happily ever after. That is, until director Andrew Stanton decides to make Finding Nemo a sequel as his new project. This can turn into either the best idea ever or it could turn out like Cars 2. The sequel could just be dragging the idea further out than it needs to, in hopes of it becoming a big hit. With that being said, the sequel does have potential of becoming yet another hit. Audiences all over the world found watching Albert Brooks and Ellen DeGeneres together on screen to be the most entertaining thing in the world. With Dory's short-term memory loss and Marlin's overly protective attitude, the two characters could give fans another reason to laugh.

Finding Nemo became Pixar's second highest grossing film ever, reaching over $864 million and won the Oscar for best animated picture. There's no doubt that Finding Nemo 2 would make it big in the box office; mainly because the original captured the hearts of millions. However, some movies are better off without a sequel. The only way this movie can be successful as the first is if Stanton comes up with an idea introducing a different approach all while giving fans a chance to revisit the worlds and characters we all met back in 2003. NB