Sunday, April 28, 2013

Fitness 101

 Hello everyone!

So as you can see, I haven't been blogging much lately, mostly because this semester has been kicking my butt! However, I have been finding some time for the gym. I have gotten into this routine of going to the gym almost every day of the week and I thought I would share some of my experiences/tips with anyone who cares.

As some of you may know, I attend VCU, meaning I have access to one of the BEST gyms in the world! Okay, I wouldn't say world, but that gym is just awesome. With over 185 pieces of fitness equipment, two heated indoor pools, a 4 court gymnasium center, indoor running track, 2 racquetball courts, 7 weight circuits, and much more, this is the place to be if you want to get that summer body.

To start out, I'm just gonna give you guys the basics when it comes to working out in general and some of the things I've picked up along the way:

1. CARDIO, CARDIO, and wait did I mention CARDIO?

If you are aiming to lose weight, the best and most effective way to do this is with cardio exercise. This can be anything from the treadmill, elliptical, StairMaster, walking, take your pick! The goal is to get your heart rate going so your body can sweat, therefore causing you to lose calories and burn off all that fat! Of course, that's not all you need in order to lose weight; you also have to watch what you eat! Keep it simple; chicken, vegetables, brown rice, fish, salad, fruits: Just naming some of the few things that are good to eat when you're trying to watch your figure. Eat right and do cardio!


Water is one of the best tools for weight loss. Other than the fact that water has no calories, no carbs, and no sugar, it is actually a great appetite suppressant. Most of the time, when you think you're hungry, you could actually just be really thirsty without even knowing it. Water is also a good replacement for high calorie drinks such as soda, juice, and alcohol. Lack of water (dehydration) can sap your energy and make you feel tired which can lead to fatigue, muscle weakness, dizziness, and other symptoms we don't need. Drink water before, during, and after your workout and I promise you will thank me later!


A lot of the times when people workout, they tend to get into the same routine. If you do the same workout every single day, your body gets used to that workout and it will not have the same effect anymore. Instead of going on the same machines all the time, change it up and do something different. Maybe add some more time to the elliptical, or go on the treadmill first instead of last. Higher up the level on the StairMaster, do some crunches instead of sit ups. Minor things like just changing the resistance on a machine will do, so make sure your body doesn't get used to the same workout routine!


Squats are a definite must in everyone's workout routine. Whether you're looking to lose weight, gain muscle, or get that booty you've always wanted, squats are the way to go! Squats are great because it's an exercise that triggers many parts of your body all at once. It's a great way to build muscle because most of the weight goes on your legs and back which put on the most muscle in the shortest amount of time. Make sure to keep your back flat, elbows high, chest up and out, and your abs tight.


Last but definitely not least, INTERVAL TRAINING. Some of you may be thinking, whaaa? Interval training is a series of low-to-high intensity exercise workouts interspersed with rest or relief periods. For example, if you were on a treadmill, interval training would be to sprint really fast on whatever speed you're comfortable for 1 minute and then walk for about 1-2 minutes. This is personally my favorite thing to do while working out because it is ridiculously effective if you want to lose weight fast. In my junior year of high school, I lost 30 pounds because of interval training and the only equipment I had was a rusty old treadmill in my basement. If you're looking to lose weight fast, try interval training on any type of cardio machine and just wait for the results.

Happy working out! :)