It looks like I took a bit of a hiatus from my blog. Sorry about that... whoever you are. It's been a pretty hectic year at VCU with all those 15 page papers, exams that test you on material you may never use in the future, and you know, the works.
But the good news is: IT'S FINALLY SUMMER! Hooray! This means I actually have free time now which also means I can get back to writing on my blog. This Summer is a little different than any other Summer I've had at VCU. Usually, I go home for the three months but this year, I am staying in Richmond due to my current internship. It's going to be different, for sure and I will definitely miss being home for the Summer but I'm excited to try something different. It's time to put my big girl pants on and accept the fact that I have grown up things to do now.
With that being said, I need stuff to do in Richmond! Luckily, one of the great things about Richmond is that it offers many more options than my hometown (Burke). I can walk to Chipotle for goodness sake! That never happens in Burke. Burke is beautiful - don't get me wrong - but I'm happy I get to be in a place that makes it hard to be bored. One of my goals for the Summer is to explore the ins and outs of Richmond. During the school year, I don't have time to drive downtown and see what Richmond truly has to offer. But now that I have time, I can do that! I want to venture out to more small businesses, hidden restaurants indigenous to Richmond, and the outskirts.
If you're reading this and you know of some great places to visit in Richmond, don't be shy and leave a comment!
Thanks loves. NB