Wednesday, March 7, 2012

KONY 2012

Imagine 30,000 children getting abducted from their families and forced to become a child army. Little girls being kidnapped and forced to become sex slaves. Innocent kids getting raped and abused with no way to escape. All of this because of one person: Joseph Kony.

For over 20 years, a man named Joseph Kony and his army have been holding these kids against their will and making them impose on these acts just for his own amusement. Nothing has been done to stop this simply because nobody knew about it. A man named Jason Russell recently made a video to raise awareness to Kony so that the world is informed.

You can watch the video here:

Russell's goal is to make sure everyone knows Joseph Kony's name. He's created T-shirts, bracelets, posters, and flyers to help spread the world. He believes the biggest problem here in trying to capture him and reach justice is the fact that no one knows who he is. Spreading the word yourself can help bring us one step closer to incarcerating Joseph Kony.

Sign the pledge here:

Tell your friends. NB

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