Monday, January 9, 2012

Ten Guilty Pleasures

These are not in any specific order :)

  • Spanish Music -Even though I don't understand what they're saying, there's something about Spanish music that is so intriguing. 
  • Chocolate - I'm sure every sane girl can agree with me on this one. 
  • Soap Operas - I love watching cheesy episodes of Days of Our Lives.
  • Maury - Even though every episode is basically set the same, (raging woman yells at the potential father of her baby until the results come out) the drama always makes me want to tune back in. 
  • Crossroads - No matter how many times I watch this movie, it will never get old! Even though the plot is kind of pointless and obvious, it's still a cute movie. 
  • Grand Theft Auto - Ever since I was a little kid, I used to always play this game just to run over hoes on the sidewalk.
  • Really Cheesy Holiday Socks - Whether they're Christmas or Halloween themed, I love love love wearing holiday socks year-round. 
  •  The Twilight Saga - I don't know what it is about those blood sucking vampires that make me love it so much, but I just can't get enough of the books and the movies!
  •  Facebook - The only reason why facebook is a guilty pleasure of mine is because of the amount of time I spend on it. It's ridiculous.
  • The Smell of Nail Polish Remover - Nuff said. 

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