Friday, February 24, 2012

Gym Time Gone Wrong

I feel like going off on a rant today for some reason. I chose to talk about the gym because there are just too many things I see that really get me in a ranting kind of mood. NUMBER ONE. I hate it when I see girls get all dressed up for the gym and then will do anything in their power to not workout. Like, if you want to find a place to socialize, then go to the mall or grab a cup of coffee. Don't come to the gym and stand there like an idiot continuously talking to a person who most likely just wants to workout. NUMBER TWO. Gentlemen, we all know you want to show off your guns but enough is enough. It is not cute when you stand there and literally watch yourself lift weights. All it does is make you look cocky which is not attractive. NUMBER THREE. This is just something I saw once and I hope to never see again. A girl was sitting on a machine literally taking pictures of herself. Really? I believe my point has been made. NB

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